REPORT OF FINDINGS : THE PROPERTY AUGUST 18, 2000 Field inspection on May 11, 2000.

RED PINE. The red pine is estimated at 40 acres. Stand has been thinned twice. Present stand is carrying 120 - 140 square feet BA.. Average diameters 7-12 inch dbh., average merchantable height four sticks. Good natural pruning but previous thinning did not achieve satisfactory balance of stem spacing. Also, a small component of defective trees still in stand.

SCOTCH PINE. Identified one area of scotch pine planting in the north half of the westerly 20 acres. Estimated at 6 acres. Planting showing emergence of some dominant stems, but much disease and insect damage. Understory of broadleaf shrubs, hard maple saplings.

NORTHERN HARDWOOD AND ASPEN. The northern hardwood on the north line is estimated at 14-16 acres. This stand is pole size timber. Hard maple and beech has component of aspen. This stand is conversion of brush/sprout over past 30 years. Has sufficient volume to warrant thinning at this time.

OPEN. Numerous small openings less than 1 acre on the south fringe of the northern hardwood/aspen. Good wildlife openings.

GAS WELL. Field notes are not complete on the presence of a gas well on the property. Will confirm this on the next field visit. Gas wells normally do not interfere with forestry plans/ harvest, but the location of the well with flow lines must be determined.

MAIN ACCESS. Off White Pine Road. Two trails access northern area of the property. Adequate areas exist to facilitate processing, decking and hauling of forest products.

RECOMMENDATIONS. The following recommendations are made on the assumption that all harvest activity would be scheduled in conjunction with similar activity on the Smith property.

Thin 40 acres of red pine, adjust basal area to 80-90 square feet. Chip the scotch pine, about 6 acres, Chip aspen and thin the northern hardwood, 14 acres.